Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Want The Truth

"I Want The Truth". These are the word on the sign on a tent overlooking the White House. This is the goal of the group that bears the name also used as the title of this book - "The Camel Club" by David Balducci. And what a web of political intrigue is built into this book. There are several persons of interest that make up this story - the first in a series of three written with the Camel Club involved.

The leader of the Camel Club calls himself "Oliver Stone". He is joined by three others in this group to seek out and expose the truth. The other members are Caleb Shaw, Milton Farb, and Reuben Rhodes. They are having a secret meeting when they stumble upon a murder. When they are almost caught at the scene by the killers, they decide to determine the reason behind the murder. They have no idea the plot behind this murder is about.

Also involved in the investigation of this murder are a couple of agents in the Secret Service since the murder victim had a highly sensitive job involving a national intelligence database. These agents are Alex Ford and Jackie Simpson. The murder appears to be related to the victim's "supposed" involvement with drugs. Alex is aquainted with the person who calls himself "Oliver Stone" and he decides to look further into the murder when Oliver questions him it. Neither he or Oliver realize just how involved they will be.

I do not want to give away too much regarding the story. Suffice it to say that it involves terrorism, intelligence, and a twist of plots by several characters.

Was it something I enjoyed reading? Did it keep my attention? You bet!!! Would I be inclined to read the other two books in this collection - The Collectors and Stone Cold? With out a doubt these two books are on my list of books to read.

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